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It helps customers find the products they want and with that we increase your revenue.
Our tools increase your store's ability to offer relevant products to your audience, through actions that encourage your customers to buy, we show the right products, greatly increasing the desire for purchase, all using artificial intelligence and actions that will boost revenue of your store, in addition to actions within your store, our tools are able to take your products beyond the barriers of your store, through emails, messages and much more...
- Showcases that follow their customers with relevant and smart products.
- Searches with intelligence that interpret what the customer wants to find.
- Poptops that increase your customers' satisfaction and happiness.
- Recovery of abandoned carts and products, including anonymous ones.
- Email marketing with smart products, re-engage your customer and sell more.
English, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), and Italian
Basic Support
$29.90 / month
- Smart Showcases
- Smart Search
- Poptops
- Cart Recovery
- Smart Emails
- Up to 10,000 Products
- Ticket Support
Premiun Support
$79.90 / month
- Smart Showcases
- Smart Search
- Poptops
- Cart Recovery
- Smart Emails
- Up to 10,000 Products
- Whatsapp Support
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days. See all pricing options
Reviews (2)
The best app I've ever used.
I have no words to describe.
It works perfectly the way I need it.
And the support was something that made me fall in love! Simply magnificent! O melhor aplicativo que já usei.
Não tenho palavras para descrever.
Funciona perfeitamente do jeito que preciso.
E o apoio foi algo que me fez apaixonar! Simplesmente magnífico!
App support provided by Hintup.
September 9, 2021
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