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Free plan available
- Highlights
- Popular with businesses in United States
- Rating
- 5.0 (1)
- Developer
- Hubspot (Data Sync)
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Sync, analyze, and segment data for campaigns in HubSpot.
Connect your Shopify store with the HubSpot Smart CRM, marketing automation, and customer engagement tools to streamline your business. Automatically sync your Shopify customers, products, and orders into HubSpot to gain valuable insights, build targeted campaigns, and keep all your customer data in one place. Turn your Shopify store data into powerful sales and marketing signals and create a single view of your customers.
- Auto-sync Shopify data for segmentation and automation.
- Create and automate personalized email campaigns.
- Track sales and marketing performance with powerful reports.
- Add a Live Chat to engage visitors instantly and convert more leads.
- Use Forms to capture leads and sync them to HubSpot Smart CRM.
- Highlights
- Popular with businesses in United States
Works with
- Checkout
- Eventbrite
- adwords
- facebook ads
- surveymonkey
- Zapier
Customer behavior
Marketing and sales
Visuals and reports
External charges may be billed by Hubspot (Data Sync) separately from your Shopify invoice. Learn more
$20 / month
$1,300 / month
$4,300 / month
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days. See all pricing options
Reviews (1)
- 100% of ratings are 5 stars
0% of ratings are 4 stars
0% of ratings are 3 stars
0% of ratings are 2 stars
0% of ratings are 1 stars
Very good system, there are many functions for marketing and sales
App support provided by Hubspot (Data Sync).
October 10, 2023
Data access
This app needs access to the following data to work on your store. Learn why in the developer's privacy policy .
View personal data:
Customers, store owner, content providers
Name, email address, phone number, physical address, geolocation, IP address, browser and operating system, browsing behavior, client ID cookie
Store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address
Content providers
Email address, IP address, browser and operating system
View and edit store data:
Customers, products, orders, discounts, gift cards, marketing, store analytics, companies and company locations, Shopify Payments, Shopify Functions, Online Store, Shopify admin
Edit customers
Browsing behavior, merge customers, or customer data
Edit products
Inventory, product listings, products, or collections
Edit orders
Assigned fulfillment, draft orders, order fulfillments, merchant managed fulfillment, order edits, all order details, returns, shipping information, or third-party fulfillment
View and Sync Discounts
Discount codes and promotions
View gift cards
Gift cards
View marketing
Marketing events
Edit store analytics
Edit companies and company locations
View Shopify Payments
Shopify Payments payouts
View Shopify Functions
Cart transforms or Access for delivery customizations
Edit your Online Store
Checkout page, pages on your Online Store, script tags in your Online Store, or theme
View Shopify admin
Files or legal policies
View other data
Checkout branding settings, locales, locations, Shopify Markets settings, Payment Terms, price rules, reports, resource feedbacks, or translations
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