Featured images gallery

Begin creating stunning product carousels and banner slideshows to highlight your offerings.
Highlight your products, promotions, and brand narratives with eye-catching visuals using the Image Slider. Create dynamic displays of your best-sellers, special offers, or new arrivals with high-quality images in a captivating image slider or slideshow format. Leverage the carousel features to engage your customers, enhance your brand’s visual appeal, and drive more sales. The Image Slider app helps you present your content in a visually stunning way, boosting customer interaction.
- Design and oversee multiple sliders for various sections of your store.
- Showcase your top products, new arrivals, or featured items using a slider.
- Add a button in your sliders to guide users to promotional pages.
- Select from a range of ready-made slider templates.
- Design and personalize sliders to align with your brand identity.
- Highlights
- Popular with businesses in United States
- Works with the latest themes
Free to install
All Features Included. No additional Cost. 0% Commissions on Sales
- It is free for the development store.
$5 / month
Up to 10000 Page views per month
- Image Hover Effect
- Unlimited Campaigns
- Pre-made templates
- Customize slider speed & arrow style
- No Coding
- Live chat and support emails
7-day free trial
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (10)
- 100% of ratings are 5 stars
0% of ratings are 4 stars
0% of ratings are 3 stars
0% of ratings are 2 stars
0% of ratings are 1 stars
This app works perfect and excellent support team. they support you in every possible way. truly appreciated
The slideshow adds a great pro feel to the site, with different template to choose from.
Support is very responsive.
Très facile d'utilisation, des templates au top et facilement modifiables. Un service clients très réactifs qui sait vous aider en cas de difficultés. Vraiment top !
Great Slideshow app and its free, very helpful staff
Great app!
App support provided by GoodApps.
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