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Improvely makes it easy to track how your customers find your website.
Improvely helps you get the most out of your website marketing. Our dashboard shows you where your traffic is coming from and which promotions are generating your sales, while protecting your pay-per-click advertising budget from click fraud.
- Shows you all the websites, social media channels and ads bringing you traffic.
- Conversion tracking shows you the source of each new customer and sale.
- Visitor profiles show you your best customers and how they found your site.
- Click fraud alerts tell you when someone is wasting your advertising budget.
Works with
- Google Ads
- Bing Ads
Customer behavior
Marketing and sales
Visuals and reports
Free to install
First 1,000 website visits per month are free. $2 per 1,000 additional website visits tracked each month.
All charges are billed in USD.
Reviews (3)
- 100% of ratings are 5 stars
0% of ratings are 4 stars
0% of ratings are 3 stars
0% of ratings are 2 stars
0% of ratings are 1 stars
Improvely shows us exactly how much of our revenue comes from each of our ads every month, all in a single screen that's very easy to use. Just signed up and installed this app and updated some of our links. It easily pays for itself just by knowing what ads aren't actually bringing in new customers so we can stop spending money on them.
Outstanding App & excellent support and customer service!
I'm able to track the specific source of each sale. Good stuff.
It turned out not to have the functionality I was looking for, but it does what it says it does very well indeed. The customer service is very fast and very helpful. Thank you!
App support provided by Awio.
Data access
This app needs access to the following data to work on your store. Learn why in the developer's privacy policy .
View personal data:
Customers, store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address, IP address, browser and operating system, browsing behavior, client ID cookie
Store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address
View and edit store data:
Customers, store analytics
View customers
Browsing behavior
Edit store analytics
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