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  • 14 % hodnocení s 4 hvězdami
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  • 1 % hodnocení s 2 hvězdami
  • 3 % hodnocení s 1 hvězdami
8. prosinec 2021

Wanted to like this, but found it to be very frustrating for both myself and my customers. No matter want auto-reply was used customers expected an instant reply 24/7.

Get A Whiff @ Cherry Pit Crafts
Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: Asi 2 měsíci
Vývojář Shopify odpověděl 14. prosinec 2021

Hi, there. Thank you for taking the time to leave this review and provide us with this feedback. We are sorry to hear the app didn't work out with your shop. If you reference our Shopify Inbox guide ( it notes different ways to create automated messages for your customers. One idea would be to let your customers know the available hours for your team to reply. Thanks again for reaching out! -Marty, Shopify Support

Datum úprav: 11. leden 2022

The chat is injecting a (1) that affects the SEO on the Google Search Results. Update sitemap does not solve the problem either. Had to uninstall the app just beacuse of this very reason. If you (shopify dev-team) are going to make apps at all, please make some dedication and check the other alternatives and beta-test before release. Please make the necessary tweaks, bugfix and fix all these issues and the app will have great potential im sure! Got this message from the Shopify Support regarding this matter: "The matter that you mentioned is a known limitation and is coming from Google reading the site title after the inbox app sends the first message. What you can do to fix this is resubmit your sitemap to Google and the title will be updated. To do this, please review and follow the Shopify Help Document on Finding and Submitting your Sitemap. Once you have the sitemap, you can head over to Google search console, login, and resubmit this to them. It will ask Google to re-scan your site and this title error on Google will disappear once they have done this." This is only a fix short-term, the only long-term fix is for the dev-team to fix this issue and then make an app-update. Other chat-apps does not experiance this, so it should be an easy fix for the dev-team. I also have some wishes of functions to the Dev-team: - The function to see what the customer is typing before its sent.
- See what pages, ip adress, last url visited, live-url, and country etc the user is typing from.
- Add more customization to the chat in terms of how it looks, colours, branding, etc.
- Function to have the chat appear in different ways in mobile and desktop.
- Function to have the chat only appear on example the /contact page only. And not on all pages as of today.
- At the end of the chat, enable the function for the visitor to rate the conversation with 0 - 5 stars. Please look at your competitors and make the features even better than them, if anyone you have the capacity to do it, im sure!
Doba používání aplikace: Asi 2 měsíci
Vývojář Shopify odpověděl 20. leden 2022

Hey, there. Thank you for reaching out about this. Our developers have deployed a fix to resolve this issue. However, it could take some time for Google to recrawl your page in order to reflect the changes. If you'd like to request Google to recrawl your page manually, you can follow the steps here: Cheers! -Elias, Shopify Support

12. červenec 2023

Je n'ai que de la publicité de développeurs des US, Ouganda ...etc C'est désagréable et ca ne peut pas se parametrer. Donc j'arrête

Doba používání aplikace: Asi 2 měsíci
24. únor 2023

Can't manage how to start a chat without giving all info related client name and email. Many propects are just quit our website because of that
Any solution?

Hypnia IT
Doba používání aplikace: Asi 2 měsíci
Vývojář Shopify odpověděl 6. březen 2023

Hey, there. Thanks for taking the time and sharing this feedback with us. We understand that some customers may prefer not having to share their info in order to ask a question. However, in the event that there isn't anyone available to reply to customers using the online store chat, the email is required so that their questions can be forwarded to your inbox allowing you can get back to the customers later.

That being said, we can see that there are some improvements that could offer a better experience, such as capturing the customers' information only when the online store chat is offline or by making some of the fields optional, and we'd be happy to share this feedback with our development team. Cheers! -Elias, Shopify Support

13. prosinec 2020

This is trash. Magically dropped off the store. Tried to reinstall, doesn't work. chat link takes you to a page asking you to load the app. What a load of sh1t.

Doba používání aplikace: Asi měsícem
Vývojář Shopify odpověděl 14. prosinec 2020

Hello Meindl Australia, thank you very much for letting us know the app was not working for you.

I will follow up with a direct email to you and see if we can work together on this issue. I'm not sure what you mean by it dropping off the store, so hopefully you can provide some more details so I can troubleshoot for you. Thank you!

Best regards,
Veronica N.
Senior Support Specialist - Ping

4. listopad 2021

Hello, I can't uninstall this app. I was in the testing phase and I want to use it later but I can't uninstall it :( It's not visible in the Shopify Apps. How can I remove it?

Acrylstifte Shop
Doba používání aplikace: Asi měsícem
Vývojář Shopify odpověděl 8. listopad 2021

Hello, there. Thanks for reaching out. After installing Shopify Inbox, it becomes a sales channel so you can't uninstall like an app. Nevertheless, you can remove this from your sales channels and we've got a step-by-step guide to help you with that right over here:

If you need any assistance with this, then this is something that our Support team can help you with. To get in touch with our Support team, please visit the Shopify Help Center ( and log into your account to create a support request. Cheers! -Elias, Shopify Support

7. květen 2020

After having serious performance issues, I discovered that when a new visitor (new IP address) comes to my website the chat app sends notification. And the number of notifications is added to the meta title of the page, so when the Google crawling machines are indexing my website they are recognized as a new visitor (new IP address) and read the meta title with (1) in front, so my pages are indexed with (1) in front of the meta title.
Please fix it!

Micro•DOT Helmet Co.
Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: Asi měsícem
Vývojář Shopify odpověděl 12. květen 2020

Hello Micro•DOT Helmet Co,

Thank you for your feedback. Our developers were able to resolve the issue you were seeing, in which the (1) notification appeared before page titles in Google searches. However, Google's site crawlers can take a few weeks between rounds, so it may take some time before the page titles are indexed without the (1).

You can speed this process up by asking Google to re-crawl your URLs -

Or by resubmitting your sitemap -

If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask. You can reach us at

15. březen 2022

Garbage garbage garbage. How can a $6 billion company have such a junk app. Constantly says disconnected. Constantly says message send failed. Messages disappear to nowhere with no way to look at them later. No way to click the customers name and see their orders. No way to copy their name or email to paste into shopify. It's just crazy. So why use it? There is no upside.

Advanced Metal Art
Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: Asi měsícem
Vývojář Shopify odpověděl 28. březen 2022

I am sorry to hear that you've had a negative experience using Shopify Inbox, but we nonetheless appreciate you sharing your feedback with us here. If you would be interested in receiving help for the issues you've experienced with the app, I'd encourage you to contact our support team directly who'll be able to help troubleshoot these problems for you: -Victor, Shopify Support

9. listopad 2021

this app so catastrophic, always delays, not reliable, no flexibility....are there any plans to improve this app soon? The FAQ feature is strong but the rest is horrible, please update if there will be improvements?

Doba používání aplikace: 29 dny
Vývojář Shopify odpověděl 17. listopad 2021

Hi there. Thank you for taking the time to leave this review and provide us with this valuable feedback. We are always trying to improve our products for our merchants and take all of our merchant's feedback into consideration. I would recommend getting in contact with us directly to share your feedback on Shopify Inbox so we can share it with our developers for potential future updates. To get in touch with our Support team, please visit the Shopify Help Center ( and log into your account to create a support request. Thanks again! Marty, Shopify Support

Datum úprav: 23. leden 2022

When I am off line, I could not receive messages that my customers send via chat widget, because all messages go to my collaborator's email, my email address set in the contact information does not work, I hire him to custom my store but now he is the one seeing the messages send from my customer when I off line, that is ridiculous.

Spojené státy
Doba používání aplikace: 28 dny
Vývojář Shopify odpověděl 24. leden 2022

Thank you for reaching out and for letting us know that you're having this problem. It sounds like there may be an issue with your staff permissions, which will have an effect on who receives notifications from the Shopify Inbox app. I would recommend reaching out to our support team directly so we can authenticate you on the store and take a closer look at this for you: -Victor, Shopify Support