Pi ‑ Inventory Stock Level
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Display real-time stock status. Custom labels, multi-warehouse support, and boost conversions!
Display real-time stock status on product pages to boost sales, reduce cart abandonment, and build customer trust. Show: In Stock, Low Stock, or Out of Stock labels with fully customizable thresholds, colors, and placement. Perfect for stores with product variants, multiple warehouses, or global audiences. - Customizable labels: Tailor colors, thresholds, and placement. - Multi-warehouse support: Sync stock across locations. - Multi-language translations: Reach global customers effortlessly.
- Display In Stock, Low Stock, Out of stock statuses with customizable labels.
- Customize where to display stock status labels in your product detail page
- Add translations to your stock status labels for multi-language sites.
- Highlights
- Use directly in Shopify admin
Analytics and reporting
$9.99 / month
14-day free trial
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (28)
Fast and friendly support. Also open for new ideas regarding features. Cannot recommend enough!
Thank for suggesting the new location label configuration ideas J.
Great app that does exactly what it's supposed to. If you have any questions or issues, you can contact Felix at any time and he does everything he can to help. Thank you!
Thanks Sabrina. It was great chatting with you. Happy to help.
This is one of those rare apps: does _exactly_ what we need, is well made, easy to use and lacks any unnecessary bloat. Highly recommended.
Thanks M. Glad to hear it checked all the boxes for your need.
SO glad I found this app. I was dreading having to set up a new product template to show inventory, but this app does it for me and better than I could! Thanks so much for making this!
Needed a app quick to show low stock (urgency). This one took 1 minute to install, quick customization in few mins and done. Works like a charm. Thank you guys, well done. good job!
App support provided by mfyz.
July 7, 2021
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