Featured images gallery

Octo generates stock photos from text for your blogs, products, storefront and ads using AI.
Write a sentence describing what you need and Octo will generate 4 image variations illustrating that sentence. This enables fast iteration when creating digital marketing content such as: pictures for blog posts, photos for ad campaigns, image for your landing page & storefront, pictures for product image carousel and more. Octo uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate images you commercially own.
- Generate images for your blog post
- Generate pictures for your Shopify storefront
- Generate photos for advertising and digital marketing content
- Generate images for social media campaigns
- You commercially own images you generate
- Highlights
- Use directly in Shopify admin
- Works with the latest themes
Image optimization
Free Plan
- 10 image generations / month
- 10 image generations daily limit
- +10$ per extra 10 image generations
Professional Plan
$9.99 / month
+10$ per extra 100 image generations
- 100 image generations / month
- No daily limit
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (2)
tl;dr: It's great if you want very specific images; Annoyingly adds word in a foreign language to the images at random.
The app works exactly as intended, which is great. It's generation of images, on the other hand, is not so great. The more specific you are, the better the image options. Unfortunately, sometimes I only need generalized images, which it cannot do very well. Additionally, it will ...
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This app got released less than 2 weeks ago, so we take your review as a win :) We are working hard to add those ...
Thank you for this 5 stars review :)
App support provided by OctoArt.
666 Rue Robert Giffard, Boucherville, QC, J4B3C3, CA
January 17, 2023
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