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With OpenGeo you can control the geo of your customers, you can redirect or block specific countries
* If you have multi-stores (store for every country for example) for example if you have store for UK and USA and you want to redirect your UK customers from USA store to UK store you can use OpenGeo app for that * If you want to block custom countries for example if your business is based in USA and you want to block country X from seeing your store (to provide spying or anything) you can use OpenGeo app for that * If you want to block the IP servers of the spy tools, also you can use our app.
- Block specific countries based on your customer IP
- Block Spy tools by IP
- Support
$2.50 / month
30-day free trial
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (6)
I'm having a big issue with this app, because it is no longer updated and now is uncompatible with my store. Shopify says that I should contact the developers to update the app. Could you help me? We have a paid plan.
very limited customisability, UI that doesn't handle more than 4 countries very well, and very unreliable GeoIP detection, uninstalling.
For my need, the App is working Good. I want a redirect according to the country, I have three stores with in two need to be specific for individual Country customers, Simple easy to select option, Thank you! www.nwebshop.com
Great support in getting it up and running as we needed it for our setup and understanding how to change the setup should we need to later.
Not working for my needs, but customer service is excellent. So changed from 1 to 5 stars.
When required, I will reinstall this app, because it's free ;-).
I'm really sorry if you had any problem with our app, but please let me explain how our app works and to know why the US traffic still counts
So our app block the countries completely BUT Shopify or google analytics can still count the traffic that coming from blocked countries
because our app uses javascript to block them
for example, if you are blocking US country and someone from US enter your store
that what will be happen
first the content load and after 1 to 3 seconds our app block the customer after checking their IP address and you can try that using a VPN or Proxy
Thank you
App support provided by Reveniux.
October 11, 2021
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