Featured images gallery

Highlight your products or events with customizable galleries that enhance your site’s visual appeal
Transform your website into a visual masterpiece with our Photo Gallery App. Whether you want a lookbook, image gallery, or to let customers shop the look, make your photos shine. Photo Gallery is a powerful tool that showcases your products, boosting engagement and sales. Even if your focus isn't on selling products, you can use the gallery to showcase articles, events, or other unique content that differentiates your brand.
- Easy Integration: Add image galleries to your website with just a few clicks.
- Choose from various layouts to find the perfect way to showcase your images.
- Add captivating captions to each photo to tell its unique story.
- Enhance your gallery with the ability to include both images and videos.
- Our app ensures your image galleries look great on all devices.
- Highlights
- Popular with businesses in United States
- Works with the latest themes
Free to install
All Features Included. No additional Cost. 0% Commissions on Sales
- It is free for the development store.
$5 / month
Up to 10000 Page views per month
- Unlimited Campaigns
- Pre-made templates
- Multiple display styles
- Multiple Animations
- No Coding
- Live chat and support emails
7-day free trial
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (17)
This app is a scam, beware! They advertised the app as free, then made a random charge of £40 for month one, claiming the app had brought me 14k site visitors when i had less than 1k visitors, none of it through the app. After speaking to them they assured me that by removing the app I wouldn't be charged, I was still charged. And now they wont give my money back. The positive reviews are obviously fake.
great free app with unlimited images, awesome support!
Best gallery app out there and its free ! Team is very helpful with any questions.
App support provided by GoodApps.
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