Raveo ‑ Tiktok & Video Feed
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Raveo helps you to display video reviews and your tiktok videos in a tiktok like feed
Raveo helps you to easily include your TikTok videos or the videos by your customers in your online store easily.You can easily create a TikTok video gallery and embed it in your store. Your customers can view and see products related to this video and increase the trust of your customers.
- Import Tiktok videos
- Tag products in the video
- Extremely fast & responsive in all screens
- Highlights
- Use directly in Shopify admin
- Works with the latest themes
Works with
- TikTok
Display options
- Import TikTok videos
- Maximum 6 videos
- App Branding
- Only 1 widget
- Only 1 product tagging
$14 / month
- Basic features
- Upto 30 videos
- Upto 6 widgets
- Embed on any page
- White label player
- Customize player
- Tag multiple products
10-day free trial
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (2)
No way to unsubscribe. Two possible reasons, a bug or a ..........?
Hi, you can unsubscribe from the plan by uninstalling the app, and still if you need the free version please reinstall and you can use the free version.
It is best customer servive I meet on shopify. The manager help me to solve the problem by email for 3hours. Although there are some shortcomings, it is satisfied my needs. I think the app will develop better in the future. I will support it. Now it is total free. If you want, you can try it. I think you will like it.
App support provided by Pagein.
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