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Display recently viewed products on the store and help users to order the products fast.
This app displays recently viewed products automatically on all the pages including Home, Collections, Products, and cart pages. Showing recently viewed products on the website reduces the user's pain to search on the website again. It increases the customer's time spent on the website and can help you get more sales.
- Customize the pages on which you want to show the recently viewed products
- Configure the position at which you want to show the recently viewed products
- Display up to ten products in the widget
- Customize the title text of the widget
- Highlights
- Works with the latest themes
$9.95 / month
15-day free trial
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (30)
Great app. I added it to 2 Shopify stores. Asked for some support and they got back to me immediately and helped. Thank you.
Super App. Helps in Upsell & Cross Sell.
Excellent app! Works perfectly well instantly after I downloaded it.
Just hope that the "recently viewed products" history can stays as long as it could not just reset after 24hrs.
Great support by the developer. Simple but excellent must-have add-on feature.
Great app as well as great customer support.
App support provided by MLVeda.
July 7, 2014
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