Yuhu ‑Social Media Share Image
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Customize social media share images for each of your products, collections and pages.
Create and customize social media share images for each of your products, collections and pages so you can share your content on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Whatsapp and others. Our built-in image generation tool that uses advanced AI algorithms allows you to customize the social share image for each of your products and our intuitive social share image configurator will show you the generated share image in a snap.
- Custom social media images for products - combine 2,3 or 4 product images automa
- Custom social media images for collections - use collection image/upload custom
- Custom social media images for pages - upload custom image
- Create images by combining product images or upload a custom image
- Powerful automation features - social share product images for new products
- Highlights
- Use directly in Shopify admin
- Works with the latest themes
Works with
- Messenger
$9.99 / month
- Up to 300 published products
- Unlimited image transformations
- Unlimited collections
- Unlimited pages
7-day free trial
$19.99 / month
- Up to 1,000 published products
- Unlimited image transformations
- Unlimited collections
- Unlimited pages
7-day free trial
$39.99 / month
- Up to 3,000 published products
- Unlimited image transformations
- Unlimited collections
- Unlimited pages
- Contact us for larger plans
7-day free trial
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (2)
If you post a link to your product page on social media, especially Facebook, this is a must have app. You can quickly create those long seo images/og tags (not sure?!) for your products. I had an issue casued by my theme and the developer quickly responded and solved it.
Thank you so much for this wonderful review!
It doesn't work, I configured everything as the tutorial says, I tried to publish my product on WhatsApp, without having a preview. If I could I would put 0 stars
Hey there,
your store is locked with a password, and this means that whatsapp's crawlers aren't able to access it.
Please remove the password protection and the preview images will work.
Also, please don't hesitate to contact me at support@yuhuapps.com.
App support provided by Yuhu Apps.
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