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The app for thrift stores. Streamline pricing, listing and reporting both online and in-store.
Thriftly is the app for thrift stores, designed to streamline your operations and boost your bottom line. Say goodbye to manual pricing and tedious listing processes. With Thriftly, you can price and tag items faster than ever before, create beautiful online listings in seconds, and gain valuable insights into your sell-through. Whether you're selling in-store or online, Thriftly has you covered, providing a seamless experience for both you and your customers.
- Lightning-fast production. Our 1-Click Tagging is a game changer for pricers.
- In-store and e-commerce all-in-one. List on your site+eBay in less than a minute
- AI-assist on pricing. Leave less money on the table.
- Sell-through and production analytics. Insights by representative and location.
- Color rotation. Automatically manage inventory rotation to maximize sell-through
Barcode management
SKU management
Label printing
Reviews (1)
- 100% of ratings are 5 stars
0% of ratings are 4 stars
0% of ratings are 3 stars
0% of ratings are 2 stars
0% of ratings are 1 stars
Thriftly has transformed my thrift store! Pricing takes seconds with 1-click pricing, and listings are created in under a minute. The reporting is amazing, showing sell-through and production by category AND employee. Plus, the Thriftly team is incredibly responsive and helpful. Highly recommended!
App support provided by thriftly.
2711 S Quebec St, Suite 201, Denver, CO, 80231, US
March 28, 2024
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