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Be the first to know about new customers, products, orders, updates and much more.
No code required! Simply create an "Alert" rule for each person to be notified, and check the boxes for the types of activity you want to know about. Advanced filters allow you to limit alerts to specific products, variants, order tags, and more. Never miss out again! Get notification when events happen, so you can take action faster.
- Be the first to know when a specific item is low stock or out of stock.
- Send alerts to different fulfillment contacts depending on the tags in an order.
- Notify yourself when you need to ship something based on shipping code.
$5 / month
14-day free trial
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (9)
App stopped working. I tried to re install it, no luck. Contacted customer support - no reply. Until than it worked OK.
This app is a life saver! I sell both retail and wholesale, and I also use multiple fulfillment services. With this app I can notify exactly the right people depending on which kind it is. There are a lot of options which might seem overwhelming at first, but it's a really powerful app if you know how to use it.
Fantastic! We have 3 different people who need notifications when customers sign up, orders get placed, etc so they can quickly follow up. This app is a lifesaver!
Great App! Especially if you are running a wholesale store...
DO NOT DOWNLOAD!! This App does not work at all. We tried several times to contact their customer support, but no reply at all. If you look at the "Good" reviews further down, you will see that they are from 2016 and 2017. Very long time ago and not trustworthy.
I think the owners of this app is gone, and no updates or functionality checks have been made since... If ever...
We are sorry to hear you had a bad experience, but we have not received any support requests from you that we are aware of. You may reach our support team by email at support ...
App support provided by ClearWest.
April 18, 2016
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