Reviews (92)
By rating
This is an excellent app! I like it and it really is good addition to my store. I would highly recommend this!
It works just fine.. very sleek and apt for my website..I haven't faced any issues whatsoever. I hope it remains free
Super easy set up. Exactly the high quality I've come to expect from the big ol' bear. Thanks for making great apps.
Leicht zu installieren, auf €-Anzeige umstellbar und funktioniert super. Der anzuzeigende Text ist frei wählbar, und somit auch für Sonderaktionen etc. gut als Marketingtext zu verwenden.
Update Nov.22: Wegen der google-font-Abmahnungsproblematik (Deutschland) haben wir die Bar deaktiviert...die search enginges für die google-fonts haben leider immer "angeschlagen", so lange die Bar aktiv war.
I love it
Thank you for the review!
I really like this app., I've been using it now for maybe a month or so and I it looks good! Very clean, very easy on the eyes, and it does what it says. Thank you!!
Easy to use, and very practical to set your goals. Anyone can set it up and use it for their website.
Im loving it
Thank you for the 5-star review!
La meilleure barre pour la progression du port gratuit. De plus possibilité de niveaux différents suivant les pays et le tout Gratuitement ! Super !!
It's wonderful!! Problems solved. But it's better if we can set the delay of appearance of the bar.