Give & Grow Donations
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Easily add charitable donations to the causes you care about, increasing AOV & LTV.
Add the ability to donate to the causes you care about in minutes with Pledge’s award-winning app featuring verified nonprofits from around the world. Build brand loyalty & improve your business with a variety of ways to give back, including round-up at checkout, product proceeds, and more, with clear donation tracking, reporting & disbursement. Donation Trust and Safety are provided to Shopify & Shopify Plus Merchants, along with many of the world’s largest brands and nonprofits.
- Select your charity and how you’d like to give to start giving back in minutes.
- Increase overall LTV and AOV by boosting customer loyalty.
- Save resources & time with automated tax receipts & donation processing
- Display your impact with our real-time impact calculator.
- Get transparent and clear reporting all in one place.
- Highlights
- Popular with businesses in United States
- Use directly in Shopify admin
- Works with the latest themes
Works with
Donation management
External charges may be billed by Pledge separately from your Shopify invoice. Learn more
Free to install
Free to use with an option to cover fees. Our app can be configured to fit your brand at any stage. See external charges
All charges are billed in USD.
Reviews (73)
We were keen on using Give & Grow Donations but it seems that it only caters for American and Canadian based charities. We also realised that the application does not provide an automated method to display the donation widgets, they must be added manually.
I am grateful for this app -- I was able to set it up quickly and it's true -- it makes giving a seamless process. As a start up company, partnering with Pledgeling has been key -- the giving component is part of our brand ethos. I love the app, but I'm even more grateful to have gotten to know the stellar team behind the app. They care. They want companies to get the most of out of the app. The ...
We've been using Give & Grow for a couple of years now and love it. We are part of the Pledge 1% movement, giving 1% of sales to charity. Give & Grow makes this easy - Setup takes only about five minutes and then it runs on autopilot!
When we first set it up, I verified with our first beneficiary that they were receiving funds from G&G's parent organization and they confirmed they were. Last ...
Simply the best! Flexible app on different levels!! Highly recommended!!
Exactly what I was looking for! This is app is A MUST on so many different levels!
Everyone wants to do good, but there's so many hurdles involved to be ABLE to do good. Pledge plugs right in so there's nothing to worry about except the good will.
App support provided by Pledge .
October 31, 2017
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