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We'll create a complete and detailed Facebook ad account audit to help you improve your ad results
Find out which campaigns and ad sets are losing money, and learn which of the audiences you target on Facebook work best. We will also show you which countries, states, regions, age groups, and gender, gain a positive ROAS for you.
- Find out which campaigns and ad sets are losing money.
- Find out which device and operating system are converting best for your business
- Learn which of the audiences you target work best
- We'll show you which countries, states, and regions gain a positive ROAS for you
- See the age groups and gender that are working well for your business
Works with
- storeya
Reviews (6)
This is a powerful, user-friendly app for anyone running Facebook ad campaigns and seeking data-driven insights. The app provides a free, detailed audit of your Facebook ad account, highlighting critical areas such as underperforming campaigns and opportunities to optimize ad spend. I found it particularly helpful that the app identifies "top losing segments," which helps to quickly pinpoint ...
Awesome app!
Quickly gave me an audit of my Facebook ad account - where I am losing money and where I could make more in terms of growth and retargeting.
I highly recommend this app!
Big Like!
Not only that the app showed me where I was losing money and where I was missing on good opportunities, it also asked me when to alert me in case I am losing any money on Facebook ads in the future! I am going to sleep much better now knowing that I have a system validating my ads and my advertising budget on Facebook :-)
This is a great app and fast, it gives you a picture of how your facebook ads are working and how to improve them
Growth Hero is a wonderful app !!! We are very fortunate and excited to be working with Growth Hero.
App support provided by StoreYa.
July 12, 2019
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