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With LitPDF converting products to PDF and Line sheets is now easier! Search, select and send.
Aside from time savings and increased sales, this automated PDF generation tool can also help you stay organized and reduce errors. By pulling product information directly from your Shopify store, you can ensure that your line sheet is always up-to-date with accurate pricing, availability, and product details. This means fewer mistakes and a smoother ordering process for your buyers. If you have custom meta fields or need a custom template, let us know and we will make it work.
- Easily search and select products and convert them to PDF.
- Choose a template design. All products have clickable links.
- Choose different locales to generate as PDF.
- Multi-lingual app. Change it to your native language. Email us to support yours.
- Highlights
- Use directly in Shopify admin
English, Hindi, Spanish, German, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Swedish, and Turkish
Free to install
$1 for One time Generate
- Generate 1 catalog. Refreshes every month.
- Up to 108 products per each catalog.
- With watermark Link per page.
$4.99 / month
- On promotion now. Generate 50 catalogs. Refreshes every month.
$9.99 / month
- Generate 100 catalogs. Refreshes every month.
- Up to 996 products per catalog.
- No watermark Link per page.
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (7)
Cannot recommend this app enough! Karen and her team were incredibly supportive and really helped shape what we needed to create our catalogs in an easy and streamlined process. We tried every other app on the store and nobody came close to the level of personalization and features this app has. The user interface also got better and better while we were using it, and something as complex and ...
Wow thank you for the review. We are so humbled by this. This is all possible because of your will to be innovative in your process.Thank you for the continuous valuable ...
Me gusto mucho la aplicación. El servicio es muy bueno. responden rapido y estan dispuestos ayudarte. me gustaria que tuvieran más opciones para adornar y poder diseños en las páginas. les pedi que pusieran el font de mi marca y si me lo pusieron. por eso les pongo 5 estrellas.
Muchas gracias. Haremos todo lo posible para mejorarlo. Gracias por todos los comentarios y la paciencia para que funcione. Que tengas un gran día y más potencia para tu ...
Team and app 5 stars. I needed help with an issue, and Karem from customer support was fantastic, fixed my problem in no time. Thank you very much
Thank you for this! We are happy to help 😊
Support is fast, tecnical support very patient, offer a great deal! Software is esay to use and price seems correct!
Thank you so much Jaime. Have a great day! -Sky
Very nice and easy app with fantastic and quick responsive help !
i tried a few apps and this one is very simple , just a few hicks but very easily and promptly resolved !thank you !!!
Thank you so much for the 5 star review and all the feedback. We have applied them all and so far it has made other customers happy too! We wish your business well. Have a ...
App support provided by LitPDF.
April 12, 2022
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