Made by Shopify
Ramp up recurring revenue with Shopify Subscriptions
Let customers subscribe to your products.
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As a business owner, you’re always looking for new ways to turn one-time shoppers into repeat customers.
Why not let shoppers sign up to buy things on an ongoing basis? Not only do you get a boost in reliable revenue, but customers can rest easy knowing they'll never run out of the products they love.
Shopify Subscriptions is great for: businesses with simple subscription needs who are wanting to sell products on a recurring basis (think coffee beans or cleaning products).
Simple setup
Only want to offer subscriptions on certain products? Decide exactly which products customers can subscribe to as you set up your subscription plan in your Shopify admin.
The choice is theirs
Let customers decide if it's a one-time purchase or a repeat buy. You can even offer discounts for subscriptions and let them choose their ideal delivery frequency.
Make it manageable