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Understand your fraud risk, block known fraud and automate operations to maximize revenue.
Fraud Control provides you with the tools to automate fraud operations and maximize revenue. Understand your store's fraud risk with analytics, such as acceptance and high-risk order rates. Fraud Control will recommend predefined rules or you can create custom rules to block known fraudsters in the checkout before they become orders.
- Fraud risk reports for your store.
- Analytics to show fraud trends over time.
- Automation through Flow to reduce time spent on fraud.
- Block checkouts before they become orders.
- Highlights
- Popular with businesses in United States
- Use directly in Shopify admin
English, Czech, Danish, German, Spanish, Finnish, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Swedish, Chinese (Simplified), and Chinese (Traditional)
Reviews (9)
Useful app. make flow creation easier and fraud control analytics helps as well.
Simple to use and easy rule creation to block known fraudsters from checking out.
I turned on this tool and it didnt block fraudulent orders, now someone opened 53 orders in 3 days and stole nearly thousands of units that will result in thousands of dollars in chargebacks!
Hi, there! Thank you for your review. The Fraud Control app creates a dashboard in your Shopify admin that displays analytics related to fraud or potential fraud on your ...
This doesn't let you block high risk orders from completing a checkout - it only prompts you to install a shopify Flow to cancel said order after it has already been submitted.
That being said, the checkout blocking is great, but it only lets you block orders based on customer's address, email, or IP address - making it almost entirely useless unless you know who is going to submit a fraudulent ...
Thank you for your review! If you would like to make sure to not be charged processing fees for high risk orders you would be able to use Flow as mentioned in the review. ...
Blocked all of our orders from exporting to shipstation. I would not install this app. It seems to be very buggy
Hey, there. Thanks for taking the time to leave us a review for the Fraud Control app. We'd love to chat with you directly so we can look into this mater for you. If possible ...
App support provided by Shopify.
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This app needs access to the following data to work on your store. Learn why in the developer's privacy policy .
View personal data:
Customers, store owner, staff information
Name, email address, phone number, physical address, geolocation, IP address, browser and operating system
Store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address
Staff information
Name, email address, phone number
View and edit store data:
Customers, products, orders, store analytics, staff accounts, Shopify Payments, other services
View customers
Customer data
View products
Inventory, products, or collections
View orders
Order fulfillments or all order details
View store analytics
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Staff accounts
View Shopify Payments
Shopify Payments accounts
Edit other services
Decision Rules
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