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Understand your fraud risk, block known fraud and automate operations to maximize revenue.
Fraud Control provides you with the tools to automate fraud operations and maximize revenue. Understand your store's fraud risk with analytics, such as acceptance and high-risk order rates. Fraud Control will recommend predefined rules or you can create custom rules to block known fraudsters in the checkout before they become orders.
- Fraud risk reports for your store.
- Analytics to show fraud trends over time.
- Automation through Flow to reduce time spent on fraud.
- Block checkouts before they become orders.
- Highlights
- Popular with businesses in United States
- Use directly in Shopify admin
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Reviews (9)
Useful app. make flow creation easier and fraud control analytics helps as well.
Simple to use and easy rule creation to block known fraudsters from checking out.
I think that the reviewers that are giving low scores here are missing the boat. This tool adds some powerful capabilities. It is not just the dashboard. It seems to conditions to FLOW. We were paying a 3rd party company to guarantee our orders against fraud. They accepted more than 99% of the orders which was good, but at a cost that added up to a high monthly amount. After installing Fraud Control, I went to create some creative FLOWs (you need this free app too) and each time an order came in it runs through plenty of rules and uses the fraud risk score which has been pretty good. AVS, and a slew of other properties of the order. I also exempt regular orders from this check and exempt Shop Protect orders from this check. I believe that we will have almost the same success rate as we had with the paid company. I let it run for a few weeks together and now removed the paid company. (I gave them a chance to reduce their cost first)
I just added this to my 2nd store today, because of the success with the first store.
I run this in conjunction with a paid invoice printing app and when the printing app sees a Fraud tag on the order (add by my flow), it prints a big "Don't ship - FRAUD" on the order. Now, I just need to add the same thing for a "HOLD" which I sometimes add to the order when needed in further examination which I haven't needed so far.
I hope that everyone sees the benefit that I do and get the most from it causing Shopify to build it our even better.
All this really provides is a little fraud dashboard. All the automations are done via Flow anyway, which can be done without having this app installed. It attempts to make it easier to install ready made Flows, but the the install template links all fail, so you have to go to Flow and find the template. I ended up combining two Flows,so there is just one flow that runs - if order is not high fraud risk it will capture the payment, or if high risk, tag and cancel the order.
Hey, there! Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review, and some feedback, for Fraud Control! We're always looking to improve our product offers, so do you have any specific feedback for Fraud Control? I'd be happy to pass that feedback along to our development team for their consideration, if so. Thanks again! -Imogen, Shopify Support
I turned on this tool and it didnt block fraudulent orders, now someone opened 53 orders in 3 days and stole nearly thousands of units that will result in thousands of dollars in chargebacks!
Hi, there! Thank you for your review. The Fraud Control app creates a dashboard in your Shopify admin that displays analytics related to fraud or potential fraud on your store. In order to filter and block potentially-fraudulent orders, you'll need to enable checkout rules and/or Shopify Flow. You can find more information here (https://shopify.link/4krb).
I recommend checking out this help document (https://shopify.link/ZeAY) for tips on dealing with high risk orders and preventing fraud on your store. - Greta, Shopify Support
App support provided by Shopify.
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