Reviews (57)
By rating
GoGetters kan van mij alleen maar een 5 sterren review ontvangen, de integratie kostte mij even wat tijd om uit te vogelen maar werkt fantastisch. Vragen bij de klantenservice werden snel verwerkt en fatsoenlijk beantwoord. Top app!
This product is not bad, easy to use, easy to get started.
has big potential but no one takes care of it. search does not work with brands. you cannot bulk upload. over expensive. selecting "home" items does not work. translatations are nog good enough (german). edit: gogetters uses their own SKUs, instead of using the ones of the supplier. we just discovered that we have tons of items now double in the shop, with different SKUs, and the stock sync ...
I'm so sorry to hear that you didn't like the app. Unfortunately we are dependent on the product descriptions provided by the supplier. If you want better descriptions, you ...
Great app. Makes supplier connection and product import very easy. Support is also very helpful in case you need help. Recommended.
App sucks, there is NO 30 day free trial despite it being advertised, they straight up charge $183. for absolutely nothing. The suppliers on the App has nothing in stock so it is completley useless.
The positive Reviews that are praising this App is obviously written by the developers them selfs.
Dear Shoppanzee,
We have tried to reach out to you by email to see where your review comes from.
Our app only started offering a 30 day trial on the lite plan recently. When ...
Inmiddels hebben wij al enkele jaren ervaring met GOGETTERS en wij zijn vanaf het eerste moment al zeer tevreden. De app biedt vele functionaliteiten, is zeer gebruikersvriendelijk, werkt goed en de service is top! Vragen worden altijd snel opgepakt en naar volle tevredenheid afgehandeld. Ze denken mee en nemen echt de tijd en moeite om te helpen. Wat wil je nog meer?
The single most helpful app for large dropshipping shops with the need of multiple suppliers.
We’re using the GoGetters App for almost 2 Years for our multi supplier dropshipping shops with a huge variety of products. We are extremely happy to have a solution which offers the possibility to directly connect and automate multiple suppliers and still have the possibility to import specific product ...