QuickEdit: Bulk Product Edit

QuickEdit: Bulk Product Edit

Free plan available
Popular with businesses in United States
Use directly in Shopify admin
4.9 (90)

Stop wasting hours editing your products, variants, or collections! Save time with a bulk edit app.

With this bulk edit app, you can quickly and easily edit thousands of products, variants, or collections at once, saving you hours of tedious work. Bulk edit various fields, such as descriptions, titles, tags, prices, inventory, and more. You can also easily add, remove, and sort product options (variants). Create scheduled edits in advance and automatically revert the changes later if necessary. Never worry about making a mistake, since you can simply revert any task to undo the changes.

With this bulk edit app, you can quickly and easily edit thousands of products, variants, or collections at once, saving you hours of tedious work. Bulk edit various fields, such as descriptions, titles, tags, prices, inventory, and more. You can also easily add, remove, and sort product options (variants). Create scheduled edits in advance and automatically revert the changes later if necessary. Never worry about making a mistake, since you can simply revert any task to undo the changes. more
  • Bulk edit many products, variants, or collections, and revert edits with ease.
  • Edit various product, variant, or collection fields with many different actions.
  • Schedule bulk edits and reverts to run once or repeat automatically.
  • Filter products, variants, or collections to edit with intuitive conditions.
  • Save your favorite tasks so you can find and run them again easily.
Popular with businesses in United States
Use directly in Shopify admin



Works with

  • Shopify Flow




  • 10 bulk edits per month
  • Edit up to 50 items per task
  • 14-day task history and backup


$7 / month

or $50/year and save 40%

  • Unlimited bulk edits per month
  • Edit up to 500 items per task
  • 30-day task history and backup
  • Save tasks


$15 / month

or $108/year and save 40%

  • Unlimited bulk edits per month
  • Edit up to 5,000 items per task
  • 90-day task history and backup
  • Save tasks
  • Schedule bulk edits


$30 / month

or $216/year and save 40%

  • Unlimited bulk edits per month
  • Edit unlimited items per task
  • 180-day task history and backup
  • Save tasks
  • Schedule bulk edits
  • Recurring tasks

All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.

Reviews (90)

Overall rating
Counts per rating level
  • 93% of ratings are 5 stars
  • 2% of ratings are 4 stars
  • 1% of ratings are 3 stars
  • 1% of ratings are 2 stars
  • 2% of ratings are 1 stars
February 12, 2025

5 stars all the way not only for navigating through the app but also for the spectacular customer service. I felt somewhat overwhelmed as tech-related upgrades can be challenging for me, but this app has made life easier. I needed assistance to find and replace content across the site which includes over 1000 product titles and descriptions. With this app, it was so easy. Plus, the app allows up to 10 actions simultaneously.

David, your prompt responses and clear instructions were incredibly helpful. Thank you for making this app available—excellent work! I look forward to continuing to use this app and recommending it to others.

Team Bluegroove
5 days using the app
November 29, 2024

Very good app to bulk edit various things on my webshop. Have saved me a lot of time. Worth every penny!

TEKNO studio
9 months using the app
January 29, 2025

It does what we wanted it to do - which is to quickly change price on all products within a collection, while leaving the Compare at Price unchanged so that the full savings is apparent to the customer.

United States
8 days using the app
December 24, 2024

Excellent app! Very useful with having over 20,000 products thank you!

Awakening Righteousness
About 1 month using the app
February 5, 2025

10/10 App for bulk editing. This should be a baseline app in Shopify as it covers all the functionality that you would expect from Shopify's bulk edit feature already. Literally saved me and my team 100+ hours of work and problem solving to seamlessly remove a product variant without having to deal with the hassle of re-importing and debugging. Could not recommend this app enough.

United States
About 6 hours using the app


App support provided by QuickBulkEdit.



PO Box 116, South Shore, SD, 57263, US


February 7, 2022

Data access

This app needs access to the following data to work on your store. Learn why in the developer's privacy policy .

View personal data:

Store owner

  • Store owner

    Name, email address, phone number, physical address

View and edit store data:

Products, Online Store

  • Edit products

    Products, inventory, publications of products on sales channels, or collections

  • View your Online Store

    Metaobjects or theme

  • View other data

    Locations or Shopify Markets settings

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