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Get notified when you're low in stock, saving time and lost sales!
We want to help merchants easily track the low stock products in their store with our automated and highly-configurable low stock notifications. Stockie Low Stock Alert is a quick and simple solution to help you always restock your products on time. You can setup low stock notifications to alert you and your team when a products inventory is below a chosen threshold. That way, you can always have enough time to restock your products before they are out of stock.
- Receive notifications instantly or schedule your alerts daily, weekly or monthly
- Send alert to multiple recipients, so your entire team can stay on the same page
- Create CSV alerts to set different low stock thresholds for different variants
- Location-based notifications - get notified only for the locations you choose
- Create alerts for variants, products, collections or location based alerts
- Highlights
- Use directly in Shopify admin
Analytics and reporting
Notification types
Free Plan
- 1 scheduled alert (weekly/monthly)
- Up to 250 variants
- Storewide/product/variant alerts
- 1 recipient
- 1 location
- CSV stock report
Basic Plan
$4.99 / month
- 5 alerts (daily/weekly/monthly)
- Instant/real-time alerts
- Up to 8000 variants
- Collection alerts
- 3 recipients
- Unlimited locations
14-day free trial
Advanced Plan
$9.99 / month
- CSV notifications
- Check inventory at secondary locations
- Unlimited alerts
- Unlimited variants
- Unlimited recipients
- Unlimited locations
14-day free trial
All charges are billed in USD. Recurring and usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Reviews (53)
Not only does it do exactly what we need, the support team is excellent. Any issues are handled quickly and thoroughly with excellent communication. Happy we chose this solution!
Thanks so much team for leaving us a review! We truly appreciate it :) So happy to hear you've been enjoying Stockie! Please reach out should you need anything else.
-Meché & ...
This app has been great for my workflow.
Before, I would manually run inventory queries on my inventory to try and figure out where I'm running low, or running out, of stock. It was very time consuming.
Now, I have several "Below X" notification thresholds set up using this app. I have it email me for each one every night before I go to bed, so I know what 3D printing jobs I should have running ...
Thank you so much for your kind words and detailed feedback! We're thrilled to hear that our app has made such a positive impact on your workflow. It really means a lot to ...
we have thousands of products and were always running out of stock items and not knowing anything about it, until we installed this ap. It is an absolute life saver for us, when anything either runs low or goes out of stock we are notified instantly and can restock with our suppliers. The ap started working within seconds of installing and paid for itself within 5 minutes, its our favourite ap we ...
Hey Defstar team, reading your review has truly made our week! Thank you so much for your kind words. We are so happy to hear Stockie has been helpful, that is exactly what ...
I've just installed the app and it does exactly what I want it to do.
The technical support was very helpful.
It's easy to install and so far has been trouble free.
Exactly what we needed for our internal employee portal! The ability to set different recipients and other conditions is great.
Thank you so much for taking time out to review us, we truly appreciate it. Glad you're enjoying the app!- Meché & Jake
App support provided by Plutonian.
July 19, 2021
Data access
This app needs access to the following data to work on your store. Learn why in the developer's privacy policy .
View personal data:
Customers, store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address, geolocation, IP address, browser and operating system
Store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address
View store data:
Products, orders
View products
Products, inventory, or collections
View orders
All order details, order fulfillments, assigned fulfillment, merchant managed fulfillment, or third-party fulfillment
View other data
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