Reviews (216)
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I use it since 2 years approx and it helps but some people can order under another name ??? So, I have tried to add many filters about names and will see what this does. But I check where every customer lives by googling them and check where they live and if their adresses matches the one they entered, all good. Also if they are not regular customers, will turn down the shipping in a different location than the billing. The crooks are insistant though, They call and try to defend their points even if their story is a joke
We have set it up as we get a warning, not the order cancelled automatically. After doing my research, I decide and cancel the order becase we have accepted the charge . We also have set up that we have to accept the charge instead of automatic. It gives us time to look into them and no need to refund since they were never charged. But anything suspiscious, am not risking. I do offer them to ship to stores near them so they can go buy directly and even save on shipping fees, and funny enough, had one fake buyer residing 2 blocks away from one of our buyer (store) and another, 4 blocks away, and in both cases, they refused so, we know it is a gimmick.
Hi there, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience and custom filters that you use to mitigate these high risk orders. In addition to blocking users names, you should be able to filter out their IP address or email as a filter as well. If you would like some more assistance with this, please contact our support team and we can look into it further: -Mac, Shopify Support
Been using this app for sometime. It does filter and cancel orders but you have to take care to configure the filters correctly. The functionality is limited, missing basic requirements such as searching the contents of the filters created. This app is needed to prevent fraud and block undesirables, but it needs to be enhanced.
As @Sinimabeats put, this App is great until it comes to sites selling digital downloads. The App indeed does flag, cancel and refund these orders, but it cannot do anything to stop the payment being made altogether.
On a digital downloads store, once the payment has been made, the digital item is automatically sent, regardless of if the order is cancelled or refunded.
The controls in the App are nice and simple. If they created a function to block the payment being made if the rules are met, then this would be an nearly ideal App for users looking to block fraudsters on a digital downloads store.
It's a pretty average app. I can't tell if its protecting me much.
With some work it could be great.
Geeky apparel store:
Simple functionality, only really useful for preventing orders from high-risk countries and/or known fraudsters. Better functionality is provided by several risk management apps now available in the app store. Search for Riskified, Signifyd, and Sift Science for a few better options.
I'm confused on the amount of 1 star reviews for this app. It works for me. It's clunky to setup and configure, but it works.
The clunkyness should be resolved.
"The filter will act on the order only if all of these rules match."
There should be an option to any an "ALL" and "OR" rule instead of having to enter in 3-5 different rules.
Thank you for writing your review and for providing us with your detailed feedback and suggestion. This is definitely helpful and I'll be passing it along to our developers for review. Thanks again! - Julie, Shopify Support
This isnt terrible, honestly. The only probalem is that you need to set up one rule for email, then another rule for address and another rule for name. The more criteria you have on a rule the less effective it is. This is good at setting up single point rules. Such as email block. But not email + address.
Hey, there. Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review for Fraud Filter. We appreciate the feedback you've provided us here. With so many rules, there are times where too many of these rules being in effect may impact a shop's ability to keep all potential fraudsters out. I've gone ahead and passed the feedback you provided us here to our Product Team so they can consider adapting these rules in a future update. I can't comment on what the result of your feedback may be, but you can be confident that our team is aware of your review. Thanks again! -Imogen, Shopify Support
I have had this installed for a couple of years. would be useful if the app could also conduct a general IP block not just at point of orders/
It is useful, but there is no way to block a country except by the country code which doesn't normally get added by the customer.
If the fraud analysis can tell us an order was placed from Turkey but the billing address was entered as SIngapore, we should be able to have a function that says "if the billing address entered is different from where the order is being placed, cancel"