Reviews (14)
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Please reach out, I installed the app but have some questions I'd like to ask and also help to know if it's configured properly
our customers love shipped shield. i'm seriously amazed that almost every order includes it. we started looking for a shipping protection when we had a few orders this past month never make it to our customers. we're a new company so every lost order hurts since we have to ship the product out again, but love how now shipped will cover that loss. special thanks to jasmine for getting us set up so ...
Shipped Shield has brought us revenue while bringing our customers peace of mind. Not only is Shipped Shield easy to use, easy to implement, and a value add for our customers... Their customer service is amazing. They are fast to decide on claims and easy to work with. They are both efficient and professional. I highly recommend them for anyone considering.
This app does everything we need. The visual status of our shipments has been a great tool and helped reduce shipping questions. In addition, our customers love the ship shield, provides peace of mind for everyone invloved.