Reviews (75)
By rating
We use this App for Hebrew {RTL} and English.
for huge site.the multi lingo app deliver perfect solution !!!
we had some code modifications and some theme issues because of RTL language. and also some apps adaptations
we got it solved in a day by the support team.
Totally satisfied with this app - the most price to value you can get for multi lingual App.
We have received very extensive and timely support from the app developer regarding the app and would definitely recommend it on that basis alone.
Hey you guys out there,
I've been using Multi Lingo for 3 weeks now. The translation set-up & auto-translation is quite easy to use, actually quite handy. Definitely a good tool to translate your online store
Before you read this review, understand that I never want to leave a bad review to anyone. And as a small business, we're EXTREMELY busy. But I took time to write this and hope it would be helpful to someone. I have been using this app for about 2 years. The reason I chose it was, it was the only app at that moment which let users manually translate. Because of this, my colleague (who was in charge of building the website before me) and I had to tolerate this HORRIBLE customer service. We've been trying hundreds of apps, both paid and free ones, but for customer support, I would say this is THE WORST ever! He always responded very fast, extremely fast, but very rude and always in the mood like "I don't want to help you, I just want to finish this ticket soon". He always made my colleague and me feel uncomfortable when talking with him. He's not willing to help, and sometimes asking why he has to do that. There was one time we got troubles with the app, but he said he was not able to replicate the issue on his end. That sounds weird to us because the fact that the issue is still occuring on our website, so we asked him if he can show us a video showing that he didn't see the issue, but he ignored that request. That was just an example. Honestly, I've been talking with about a hundred of apps so far, even the FREE apps, they offer MUCH BETTER support than this one! One more weird thing about this app. Everytime we got issues with the app and asked for support, if he cannot resolve it, he would say "you don't need to use my app". So rude and unprofessional, right? NOW I'M HAPPY THAT I DON'T NEED TO USE THIS APP ANYMORE! I think he'll try to say something to give offense to this negative review (reading his reply on other negative reviews and you'll understand how it would) . --> If you are looking for an app that lets you manually translate, go for Translation Lab or the app of Hextom (I forgot the name). They're new but growing very fast, because they're both great, and excellent customer services. (And they're Free, too) . Hope this helps!
Not every app is suitable for every merchant.
This merchant started using my app almost 2 years ago and wanted to save the app subscription fees by installing the app, adding translations and then uninstalling the app again - before the free trial ends (a total of 5 times before I told them that I would no longer support this behavior). All the while still asking for my support.
This pretty much sums up the attitude of the merchant throughout the whole time they used my app. I just quickly counted - this merchant sent me more than 200 Emails (I stopped counting at 180).
There is a limit to what service I can reasonably offer to support my app. This merchant was always absolutely unreasonable in their requests and expectations.
I felt that my app was not the right match for the merchant from the start and I told them this very clearly multiple times throughout the two-year period they used my app. Yet, they always ignored it.
Quotes from January 2020:
I think my app maybe not the right solution for you. Maybe there is a translation app which is better suited to your needs.
Reply of merchant:
So far so good. Except for sometime it causes issue like the discount code issue now. Can’t you fix it?
I have never said this before but I was really relieved that this merchant finally uninstalled my app (of course not after asking for a refund for the last billing cycle which I granted).
Definitely one of the most unpleasant experiences in my four+ years on Shopify.
Great plugin with outstanding technical support. Highly recommended!
The App:
I tried many translation apps, and this it by far the most flexible one for translating everything inside the shop, from the general strings and products until the custom blocks in my non-standard theme.
Ease of use:
At the beginning it takes a little time to get the grasp, but after you understand the clean translation logic, you really enjoy the possibility to translate everything.
I had clear requirements about international E-commerce SEO, like unique URLs, Titles and Meta Descriptions in each language for ALL pages/products.
Not mentioning the subdomain support and the automatic redirect to the correct user's language.
Multi Linguo passed all tests.
Customer Support:
Thorsten's is very kind and professional, additionally he is open to assist you with any troubleshooting and custom modifications if needed.
Takeway: FULL 5 STARS
I have tried different and more expensive Apps, But I love this one, it is much easier to work with, you can translate your site with Auto-Translate button for each section or choose your own translation manually this way I have great control over my translated site. I had some question though which was answered fast, so it comes with great support too.
If i could have given Thorsten 7 stars i would've... The guys just gives it his ALL.
The app is awesome and translate about EVERYTHING there is to translate on your store, even checkout and emails.
But the BEST thing about this app has to be the support ... While i was just in my second day of trial Thorsten has put a couple of hours of work into my store as i am using a non conventional theme (shopify 1.0) so most of my request had to be done in the code and Thorsten said yes to all my request and put alot of time in it.
Finally all i have to say is i tried ALL translation apps except 2 and NONE compares to this one be it the app or the support.
Excellent application. I tried several and it's the best one. Super fast support by Thorsten. I highly recommend it. See it live at
Customer service is absolutely horrible. Careful when you get this app as it will malfunction regularly and end up costing you a lot more than $7.99. The people that left it a good review clearly haven't had this app for too long and I wouldn't be surprised if they end up changing their review sooner then later. I recommend you spend a little more and go with one of the other apps, trust me you won't regret spending a little extra for something reliable that won't end up costing you more money as you can't make sales when your site is down and this app will mostly like be the cause of it. STAY CLEAR
There was a technical problem with the app server which caused disruptions of 6-7 hours (first and only time in more than 2 years). Merchant was understandably upset but requested more than 3 months worth of application credit. I offered one month refund, he declined.